Monday 19 December 2016

Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays,Happy?New Year !

Well, it's crunch time - a week from today it will be boxing day. The big meal will be over and the presents will be unwrapped. We have nothing on the agenda for that day. Here's hoping we'll be lounging around in our pjs, watching tv, eating leftovers, napping or reading new books.

In the meantime I am trying to feel the Christmas spirit as I continually scan, add and delete items from my various to do lists. We are blessed with the joys and challenges of many family members. A good friend pronounced yesterday that I am not just part of the sandwich generation; I am a club sandwich.

It's not just the pressure of Christmas tasks that is contributing to my less than joyful mood. It's the never ending coverage of the impending Trump presidency. With every new appointment, the future seems bleaker. If you really want to feel frightened, have a look at Trump and nuclear fears, which aired on CBC's The National last week. Then there is the daily news from Aleppo, Syria. How can such a tragedy be possible? How can the whole world be watching this ongoing slaughter? I can't do anything about that situation but all of us can be as kind and giving as possible to those new refugees that we may encounter or hear about. Hopefully I will carve out a bit more time to contribute to the local English language drop-in classes in the new year.

How to get through this period? All I can think of is to focus on any positives. This morning our local CBC radio show, Ottawa Morning aired a little segment about a bus driver who dresses up as Santa Claus and puts Christmas lights on his bus every day. Yes, I suppose you could say that some people might be offended, but it certainly put a smile on my face, just hearing about it.

So I am going to try to focus on the positives, the good people, the kind acts. This morning, Norah's friend Sarah came to her house to babysit, at 8 am. She not only dragged herself out of bed and across town to be there, she also brought coffee for the tired parents! Just hearing about that made my day!

There really are so many good people all around us. This week, and in the new year, I'm going to try to  focus and celebrate their kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. Wishing you peace and happiness....

P.S. As if I needed confirmation of the goodness in people....
Last night The National ran this piece about a woman in B.C. who has started a Facebook group called Helping Our Northern Neighbours. Her name is Jennifer Gwilliam and what she has accomplished is truly amazing. Through her efforts, there are now many groups of people in southern Canada who are sending food, clothing and other supplies to people in northern Canada. It's only eight minutes long. If you have time, watch it all the way through for the surprise near the end.

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