Tuesday 1 April 2014

April Fool

Well, that's me, the biggest April Fool of them all!

You would think by now that I would be used to the fact that our daughter Norah is the queen of practical jokes, but no, sadly, she got me again today. When I turned on the radio this morning I remembered that it was April Fools' Day and I listened to hear what joke they would try to pull on listeners. Why then, did I totally forget the day, so soon after that?

About 9 AM Pat told me that I had better read Norah's blog. There was a photo of her latest ultrasound which looked a lot different than the last one we saw. This one had two babies in it! Under the photo was her write up, all about the big recent surprise about expecting not just one, but two babies! I couldn't believe it and yet I did. I re-read it and re-read it in amazement. Then I was upset that she would share such important news in her blog and not call us. That's not like her.

We were prepared for the fact that the fall was going to be busy with the new baby, but now two?!
I spent the next couple of hours fretting about it. She was at work so I couldn't call her. Why hadn't she called us before she went to work? I sent a brief email to her..."What the heck? Why didn't you call?" Then I went off to my doctor appointment.

I couldn't stop thinking about the implications. With twins, well I may as well just move into their basement for a few months. Where would they put the second crib? What about us? Now we would have to buy a second crib. Where would we put that? And what about their car? Their back seat would be filled with three car seats. Would they go out and buy a van?

When I got back home I asked Pat if she had called and he said no. (liar) I checked email and she had replied to my message. "Call about what?" she had answered. That's when I finally realized that it was a joke. She had called when I was out and told Pat to tell me. He, being much smarter than I, had recognized the joke right off the bat.

So, it is only one baby. Before today I was thinking about how busy they will be with two kids so close together and what a big adjustment Avery was going to have. Now, having faced the prospect of twins, it feels so easy. It is just one new baby....a piece of cake really.

Where would the second crib go?

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