Tuesday 4 June 2019

Pot Shop Re-visited

So, I'll reverse my opinion once again. On May 14th  I wrote that the local plot shop was not causing any big traffic problems along Wellington Street. If anyone from Warren Avenue ever read that version of events, they would be furious. The potshop (Superette) is at the corner of Wellington and Warren.

Last week I attended the AGM of our local community association. The meeting was fairly calm until many residents of Warren Avenue voiced their concerns about their new situation. Those poor people. Warren Avenue is only one block long, a dead end street. Until the past two months, it was probably one of the best blocks to live on, in this neighbourhood. Kids played out on the street on this quiet block. No more! Parents are now afraid to allow their children near the street because of the constant stream of cars who, in spite of the dead end sign, come looking for parking on Warren. Because it's a dead end,  they then have to turn around, when there is no parking available. People who have lived on this block for years, said that it's now a living hell. Besides the traffic and parking woes, they've also encountered extremely rude behaviour, with some people urinating on their lawns.

I felt badly for them at the meeting. They are desperate for someone to help them. There doesn't seem to be any easy solution to their problems. What a terrible transformation for them.

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