Over this past year I have been keeping a journal of sorts, about Dad's death and my grief journey. Some of those thoughts made their way into a piece I wrote, that appears in today's Ottawa Citizen.
here to read it. In the piece I wrote about a special day at Dad's curling club, the Navy.
Here are a few photos to accompany my story:
Dad, helping with the harvest at the family farm in Saskatchewan in 1949. This was after he moved to Ontario. For several years he took the train home at harvest time to help out. |
At Ottawa's Glebe Curling Club in the early 50's. Peter Darcovich, Dad, Merle Brown and Bob McKenzie. They all worked together at the federal government patent office. |
At the Navy Curling Club, December 20, 2019. We each wore one of Dad's curling sweaters. |
My siblings and I with our mother, the new trophy and Dad's last curling broom.